28-30 Burrows Road, St Peters NSW, Australia

St Peters

Property Description

LOGOS’ St Peters project encompasses the construction of a flight training center, featuring three main components: an aircraft simulator hall accommodating up to eight aircraft simulators, emergency procedure training facilities, and ancillary spaces such as computer rooms, multimedia centers, classrooms, and briefing/debriefing rooms essential for comprehensive theoretical and practical flight training for pilots and crew. Additionally, the development includes on-site amenities like a pilot lounge, parking facilities, earthworks, infrastructure services, landscaping, and signage.

Approved Strategies & Plans
Landscape Management Plan
Operational Complaints Handling Protocol
Operational Traffic Management Plan
CEMP Stage 2
Current Status of Development
St Peters Flight Training Centre Complaints Register
Development Layout Plans
Appendix A – SEARs Table
Appendix AA – ACHAR redacted
Appendix B – Architectural Plans
Appendix BB – Statement of Heritage Impact
Appendix C – Statutory Compliance Table 
Appendix CC – BCA Assessment Report
Appendix D – Community Engagement Summary
Appendix DD – Service Infrastructure Assessment
Appendix E – Mitigation Measures
Appendix EE – Fire Safety Strategy
Appendix F – Survey Plan
Appendix FF – BDAR Waiver
Appendix GG – Ecologically Sustainable Development Report
Appendix H – Preliminary Plan of Management
Appendix HH – Social Impact Assessment
Appendix I – Stakeholder Consultation Outcomes Report
Appendix J – Landscape Plans
Appendix K – Transport and Accessibility Impact Assessment
Appendix L – Design Statement Report
Appendix M – Access Report
Appendix N – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report
Appendix O – Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Appendix P – Civil Engineering Report
Appendix Q – Geotechnical Investigations
Appendix R – Acid Sulfate Soil Management Plan
Appendix S – Detailed Site Investigation
Appendix T – Remediation Action Plan
Appendix U – Interim Auditor Letter
Appendix V – Long Term Environmental Management Plan
Appendix W – SEPP Resilience and Hazard Analysis Report
Appendix X – Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment
Appendix Y – Air Quality Assessment
Appendix Z – Waste Management Plan
EIS – Sydney Flight Training Centre
Statutory Approvals
000 SSDA Notice of Decision
001 Construction Certificate 1
002 Construction Certificate 2
003 Construction Certificate 3
004 Construction Certificate 4



28-30 Burrows Road, St Peters NSW, Australia

Enquire Now

Simon Davis

Senior Project Manager
